Revolutionizing Industries and Challenging Norms

Millennial Small Business

Federal Procurement Spending: The federal government allocates over $600 billion annually on goods and services, making it one of the largest procurement markets globally. Private Sector Procurement Spending: The private sector spends trillions of dollars annually on procurement activities, encompassing a wide range of industries such as manufacturing, retail, healthcare, technology, and services.


Despite that the Millennial generation is considered to be highly entrepreneurial, Millennials own just 13% of small businesses. Meanwhile, the vast majority of small businesses are owned by Boomers and Gen X, illustrating “the generation gap” in business ownership.


While large corporations often grab headlines, it’s small businesses that form the bedrock of the American economy. Recent data from the U.S. Small Business Administration reveals a remarkable figure: 33.3 million businesses in the United States qualify as small businesses, making up 99.9% of all U.S. businesses.


The impact of small businesses on the U.S. job market is more significant than often perceived. Although a majority of small businesses, over 80%, operate without any staff, these entities still employ a total of 61.6 million people. This figure represents 45.9% of the entire U.S. workforce.


Despite the average small business being operated by a solo founder, these enterprises have been a significant source of job creation in the U.S. In the past 25 years, small businesses have been responsible for generating nearly 13 million net new jobs.


The increasing percentage of female-owned businesses, currently at 43.4%, shows a positive shift towards greater gender equality in entrepreneurship. This change reflects broader societal movements towards inclusivity and the breaking down of traditional barriers in the business world.


Small business contracting reached an all-time high 26.5% of federal contract dollars to small businesses. This historic level amounts to a $162.9 billion investment in the small business economy – an $8.7 billion increase from the previous fiscal year.

Government-Wide Procurement Vehicles: Federal agencies utilize Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) and Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) to streamline procurement processes and leverage pre-negotiated terms and conditions.

Private Sector Procurement Spending: The private sector spends trillions of dollars annually on procurement activities, encompassing a wide range of industries such as manufacturing, retail, healthcare, technology, and services.

Supplier Diversity Initiatives: Many private sector companies prioritize supplier diversity as part of their corporate social responsibility efforts. These initiatives aim to increase opportunities for minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, and small businesses in the procurement process.